Press & Pubicity

About Beach Crows

Beach Crows are an emerging band based in Lothian & Borders. They formed in 2020 when the core members Al Nicholas and Tom Anderson developed their songwriting collaboration into a band that now features Nick Townsend on Bass and Ali McLeod on drums. 

Whether mellow, groovy or straight up stomping, their music is rooted in the interplay of guitar parts, a genuine feel for melody and well-crafted lyrics. Influences thread through folk rock, blues and jazz with an occasional burst of funk.

They are planning a tour of smaller local venues and festivals across Scotland, both as a band and a duo and have played pubs, clubs and festivals across Lothian & Borders. They launched their first EP at a sell-out performance during the Biggar Little Festival in 2023. 

To download a pdf of Beach Crows info click here
